I wasn’t expecting to see what I did in this behind the scenes video from Fuck Doll Sandwich 4 but I guess that’s the whole reason for watching them. You want to see first hand what goes on in parts of the room that you don’t normally see and you find out just what the girls think.
You can watch all the long babe porn videos that you can get your greedy little hands on but it is the BTS ones that matter the most to me. What a good show these girls are able to put on for us and we always get the best view of the action.
It still amazes me that you can see what goes on behind the scenes because that’s something that I for one never really think about when I am watching porn. It might cross my mind from time to time but for the most part, we’re all usually caught up in the moment to worry about anything else but giving ourselves all the pleasure we can get!